An englishman in Paris

vendredi, janvier 11, 2008

Part III

I've obviously spent the the rest of the week nursing what in all probability will turn out to be cauliflower ear and have been in grouchy harrumping mode

Finally, last night i thought i'd have a bit of cleaning therapy - i got home, cleaned the place up, chucked some stuff in the washing machine and even had a shower ( i know, i know, it's not sunday)

I promptly dosed of at about eight o'clock in front of the t.v only to awaken about 2am with my favorite programme on : Chasse et peche

Y'know how it is when you've had a good slumber; you're wide awake and are generally incapable of going back to sleep, no matter how many trillions of sheep you try counting

Out of sheer frustration and boredom i went blog surfing.

Nothing unusual there, except that i stumbled accross a colleague's blog

Someone who's a bit 'across' from me in the company's food chain ...

Libellés :

The current mood of damiel at

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