An englishman in Paris

vendredi, avril 18, 2008


Three squad cars, two cops on bicycles and a few rough looking gendarmes had blocked of the street where i work this morning

Everyday, just as i get to work, i stop for a brief chat with one of the voituriers who parks cars for people - there are three guys doing the same job and they make a relatively good living from the tips that people give them

For years i thought that they were all working for the same company, but apparently this is not the case - behind this genteel façade of civilistion and priviledge, there's a bit of a turf war going on

It would seem then, that this morning, for whatever reason, an insult too far ... a bad look ... a client 'poached' from someone else ... led to an unseemly dust up between two of them

They were both dragged away in handcuffs and arrested

The upside though, is that the one guy who was left on his own, s'est fait les couilles en or, today, as we prosaically say

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