An englishman in Paris

mercredi, mars 11, 2009

We're a long time gone .....

It's been an age since i've been able to sit down and do anything other than look for/reply to housing offers

My work load hasn't changed one iota despite the 'crisis' - part of me wonders if it's all not just an urban myth

Right now, i'm up to the waistline of my non Calvin Clein boxer shorts setting up courses for another 40 odd people

Marge, FluffyTheBoss, TheGorgone and BoyIdiot are having fits of appoplexy over the all new, re-fandangoed computerised organisation 'thing' which, amongst other delights, alows us to follow trainees' progess in real time and see who is in the toilet at any given moment

I'm all for it, but ... well, let's just say that i don't help much by saying things like "So, whaddya think about this NEW system ?" or "how're you getting on with the NEW trainer availability forecast ?" and "Have you seen how, with this NEW thing, i can just click *here* and watch ...."

Salt, into fresh wounds, rubbing ... me ? nooooo never ;@)

I've had some news from the ex-MissusBossWoman this week : she's gone back to Rome

Apparently, our WorldCorp (the bunch of swindling thieves that they are) had forced her to resign from WorldCorp France so that she'd be free to work as part of WorldCorp Russia ... only WorldCorp Russia are so piss poorly organised that nothing exists

In Moscow, WorldCorp = a hole in the ground and nothing more

So she kicked up a stink and has been 're-recruited' by the italien wing of the empire

I work for a bunch of shysters

Libellés :

The current mood of damiel at

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