An englishman in Paris

vendredi, mai 05, 2006


Thank god it's friday

For a long time now, i've been having the feeling that i'm living near a black hole.

I genuinely find it a bit disturbing sometimes.

It's not light that's getting sucked in - it's time that's just ... disappearing.

It's been like this for a good two years or so - i don't feel like i'm missing out on things or that there's things i should be doing, i don't feel as though i'm chasing around short for time, my days are nicely occupied, but it's not hectic or stressful.

I take time out to do things; just hang out and do stuff, y'know

I dunno what it is, it's hard to define.

Like everybody else i get up, go to work, do my thang, get home in the evening and do things that normal people do, y'know, eat, have a few beers, watch a bit of t.v ....

But right now, this minute, i'm struck by the fact that it's already 10.30 here - i'll go to bed at about midnight, i'll get up again at about 8.00, go to the bank tomorrow, go to get my hair cut and probably be home by about 2pm - that's half my day gone ... *plouf* .. just like that.

I'm gonna have to fill the car up too - that's gonna hurt big time.

It's the same at work - i looked at the time at one point today and said to a colleague that i find it hard to believe it's like, 3 o'clock already...

... that we're already in May...

... that i've gotta start planning for summer holidays and yet ... Christmas feels like it was only a few weeks ago.

I just don't get it.

This really explains why i take photos, i just like to try and record the instant, things that i see and think 'wow'.

Like this one here

I'm really very incredibly lucky to be working at the bottom end of Les Champs Elysées - ohh la la you might be thinking

When we think of Paris in general and Champs especially, we imagine nice shops and stores, chic flirty parisien chicks, mad drivers, stuck up bar workers ...

All very stereotypical.

But if you came here and i said to you; yup, all that stuff does exist but i know a place ... somewhere free of all the hustle and bustle, the noise and the aggro... a piece of tranquility in the middle of the city, and this is what it looks like ... let's grab a coffee and a bite to eat .... lets go chill out ....

It's a beautifull little park, there's a theatre, there's trees, flowers and this fountain that dates back to who know's when.

How abou this one ?

How often do i walk past this waterfall ?

Every day.

How often do i stop to look at it ?

Not very often.

Check this out: Le Grand Palais de la decouverte.

If you imagine, say, Windsor castle being turned over to the local authority to exploit to make a bit of dosh with exhibitions, then this is what it would look like... well, almost ...

Magnificent, bronze and marble statues all over the place, intricate stonework around doorways and window frames ...

But if you're just following your nose - you'll never see it.

You've really gotta lift your head up and stop looking at your boots; it's the same in every major city and town.


Anonymous Anonyme said...

C'est exactement ça... La plupart des parisiens ne se rendent pas compte de la richesse de leur ville, de tout ce que celle ci a à apporter. C'est seulement quand je vois tes photos que je me rends compte de toutes les choses magnifiques qu'il y a à voir...

6:31 PM  
Blogger Damiel said...

Paris est tellement belle .. mais sans doute un étranger vivant à londres pourrait me dire la même chose :P

7:55 PM  

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