An englishman in Paris

dimanche, juillet 23, 2006

Phwouarr, i don't like this heat 'n' crappy air deal..

Usually, from my office i can see a constant stream of normal & polite people ebbing and flowing ... people politely ignoring each other, not really but really watching where that left foot is going ... sashaying casually away from the nonchalantly swinging, potentially ball breaking Gucci bag. ... heh ..

Sure, there are periods where it's calm, but there are also periods where i have the distinct impression that a veritable, soon to be extinct, stampede of harrying humans as just fleeted under my nose. All rushing off to some needs filling watering hole. Eager to pay watever it takes.

I dunno, sometimes i see chimp people, me.

The current mood of damiel at

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