An englishman in Paris

vendredi, mai 11, 2007

Stop the week

This week, although only four days long, has been quite tiring, what with BoyIdiot's dossiers to look after as well as my own.

I finally renounced and gave up doing stuff for B.I on wednesday afternoon - he'll need something to do when he comes back on Monday ;@)

As for me, well .. the banking stuff is still being sorted out and i'm going to have to see the bank manager at some point - it's a question of getting a free moment to go out to see her (my bank is way out in the middle of nowhere, with the cows and sheep and things).

I must get this done by the end of the month as i'm off for a weekend in Italy, in June, where my sister is getting married.

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The current mood of damiel at

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