An englishman in Paris

lundi, juin 04, 2007

Non stop interviews all day long, catching up on e-mails + taking care of BoyIdiot's stuff whilst he's away again (quelle surprise).

This constant solicitation, from the moment i get in to work until the moment i leave is starting to take it's toll, and like a long distance runner, i feel as though i'm coming up against 'The' wall.

'tis that time of year again ...

I've been for almost a year without a serious break and am clinging on, by my finger nails (what's left of them) until the summer hols in august - 10 weeks or so away from now.

In the meantime, i'll have to make do with a long weekend in Italy, in about ten days time, where my sister's getting married ...

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The current mood of damiel at

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