An englishman in Paris

dimanche, juillet 29, 2007

Against my better knowledge, i let my self be talked into going to see the arrival of the tour de France on the Champs Elysées - i spend 3/4 of my life there already and i didn't really fancy going back on a Sunday

Nevertheless, there was a definite street carnival feel to the place, what with Rivoli roped off, no cars and people selling the inevitable yellow jerseys

The place was crawling, really choc a block with people all straining to get a look at the first riders coming off La Seine

A huge roar went up as the caravan came whizzing along rue de Rivoli followed minutes later by the first riders who came-by making, eerily enough, very little sound given that there were well over a hundred peddle pushers

A few very lucky spectators ...

Shiny happy people under the arcades ...

I thought it'd be a good idea to make my way up to the Champs to see the final podium thing.

Here it was crawling with t.v crews and anchormen asking spectators the same leading type of questions :Can cycling ever be clean ? do you think the tour de france is dead ?

People were hanging off trees and lamps posts ... "s'cuse medo you think ..."

Finally the whole thing was over, the shirts were dished out and quite sweetly, i thought, the winner turned around and waved to every one behind the podium.

I found the whole thing very thirsty work and sloped off for a quick beer ;@)

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