An englishman in Paris

lundi, septembre 24, 2007

All good things come to an end, then, and today was a typical monday with it's usual bout of non-stop people to see, mails to answer and friction with BoyIdiot (yeuuuww)

I've been asked by one of my companies to figure out how to help them create an internal web page detailling how we (my company) can best organise training programmes based on their real and quantifiable needs.

I've got, y'know, my 'pitch' down to pat, but from there, translate that onto a web-page ... pfft.. i'm not a webmaster, despite everything ... i have three weeks to try and get together a succinct résumé of all the training options open to people but in such a way that a layman can understand.

BoyIdiot - the guy who has quite a few tics and tocs, many ritualistic issues, is basically a 15yr old adolescent trapped in a man's (porky) body (any takers, girls ? ) and has difficulty in assuming his role etc ... adinfinitum - has decided to offload his work onto me under the pretext that he has too much to do (le pauvre chéri)

So, then, last week he started to forward me e-mails from people asking for information under the pretext that he couldn't treat all of the demands and that he couldn't leave mails in his box un answered - as if i do bugger all and can leave unanswered mails in my in-box (we're like a bunch, of kids i know)

Today he did the same thing with about 20 requests and i sent an absense message in reply plus a mail to MissusBossWoman saying that that i was surprised to understand that i was the only person able to reply to these things ...

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