An englishman in Paris

vendredi, janvier 11, 2008

Part I

I'm i'm a bit too old now to be getting acne, so imagine the fright when i woke up on Monday morning to discover what seemed to be a second head growing out from one cheek : i'd been attacked by a man eating beastie ... in the comfort of my own boudoir ... at night, whilst i was sleeping .... how feeble is that ?

Things got even better on fatidic Wednesday when 'we' decided to take a few of our trainees out for a jaunt to the musée de vin.

MissusBossWoman declared that we would all take the bus, as opposed to the métro, to see the sights along the seine (this despite that it was quite foggy and although not quite of a pea soup consistancy, was thick enough to obscure anything worth seeing)

Off we trundled, about six of us, to wait for the Bus of Doom which arrived after an interminable ten minutes of inane chit-chat (i was not in a particularly chirpy mood) :

Trainee 1: So what do you do at the company ?

Me: As little as i can feasibly get away with

Trainee 1: No, really, what do you do ?

Me: Really, i try to fill my days out with the most complete and utter nothingness .. i'm bringing applied Taoisme to the workplace

Trainee 2: Hahaha, but when you're not here doing your applied Taoisme stuff, what else do you do ?

Me: Me ? Nothing much, apart from eating moldy old dried bread and rancid ditch water for dinner

Anyhow, the Bus of Doom arrived, we all got on and off it lurched in an erratic wild charge ...

Libellés :

The current mood of damiel at

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