An englishman in Paris

lundi, janvier 28, 2008

With an acces code (that came from someone who became a bit too loose lipped after a few beers too far), unable/unwilling to do any meaningful work and with high hopes of logging onto my WoldCompany e-mail network, i 'squated' the ressource room all morning.

I can't rightly say if it's current practice or it's just my skinflint company, but i could only receive about 1/3 of my e-mails and couldn't even acces my Outlook folders.

Anyway, not even an hour had passed when i just got soooo cheesed off with the whole thing that i started surfing around

Just a wee a bit

Nothing 'dodgy', just news and info websites

Then, out of curiosity i hit the 'History' tab.

Now, i don't 'bout you, but whenever i'm in a public place, an internet café or wherever, i always make an effort to clean up my traces. After all, i don't want people knowing that i check out midget_throwing_for_

It would seem that not every one is as vigilant.

Especially the 'someone' who has signed up to 'hot libertine rencontres'...

Tomorrow, i'm starting my enquête,inch' allah

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The current mood of damiel at

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