An englishman in Paris

jeudi, janvier 24, 2008

Joke of the day

A French couple go on holiday to Thailand. One afternoon the wife goes shopping whilst the husband finds a little Chinese prostitute for some retail therapy of his own.

A few weeks later back in Paris the man realises that he has a problem and goes to see the Doctor.

The Doctor takes one look and says

"You have been to Thailand. . . it's going to have to come off"

Obviously distraught the Frenchman decides to get a second opinion....quickly.

The next Doctor says

"You have been to's going to have to come off:"

The Frenchman decides to head back to Thailand....they must, afterall, have specialists for this type of thing.

In Bangkok he finds a wise old Doctor who says

"You been with Chinese prostitute?"

"Yes" says the Frenchman

"The French doctor tell you it chop off?"

"Yes" says the Frenchman

"No" says the wise Doctor

"You leave it, it fall off by self"


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