An englishman in Paris

lundi, janvier 14, 2008

Sheer madness ... my day disappeared in a *plouf* of smoke : two stop 'n' go visits, MissusBossWoman wants some ideas for the next twelve months with the onus being on 'us' doing more PR stuff.

TosserTrainer, the unwashed one with the attitude problem, managed to really get my goat at the end of the day. He's been out training people at a company of mine for the last four months or so and has just announced that the trainees have finished their programme but still have two weeks to run.

Why he tells me this now and not, let's say, four weeks ago is difficult to comprehend.

When i politely 'suggested' to him that he could .. y'know .. wing it ... he looked at me as if i'd started the phrase with "your mamma ......"


"Here, try this"

"Thank you ! ... *phtouey* .. what'n the hell's that ? You tryin' to poison me ?"

"It's carrot juice ... i was thinking you might be half rabbit *arrf arrrrf*"

The names of the protagonists with held for fear of ridicule

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