An englishman in Paris

lundi, février 11, 2008

For quite a while now, i've had enough of my floppy mop-top head of hair

What with the thrushes threatening to move in, people asking me to pose for "Scarecrow weekly" and the industrial strength glue being of no help whatsoever ... i'll spare the other gruesome details

The last "straw" came when i realised that i'd (sub)consciously started wearing a ski hat to hide the indignity of it all - that's how desperate a state of affairs it'd all become

So finally, on Saturday, after the usual dithering ... i bit the bullet and went to see someone who knows a thing or two about 'mullets'

After a thirty minute "short back 'n' slap", all was fine dapper and dandy : 'twas I the funky dude that you might've crossed strutting his stuff along the sunny parisien thoroughfares

Although i've not been scalped 'that' short (it's not exactly 'shorn' in a conscript or new inmate styleee) i do, however, have this pesky bit of fly-away hair that persistently sticks up

Whatever i do it just won't lie down

Today at work, then, it's been pointed out to me (all day long) that i have a ressemblance to someone very, very, very famous ...

Someone that everyone would love to take home with them ...

Someone who's unbearably cute and lovable ...

I look like ....


He of the kids t.v show



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The current mood of damiel at

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