An englishman in Paris

vendredi, mars 28, 2008

Ôh woe is me ... on Tuesday my office was finally moved to the first floor which means that i'm now working amongst the HystericalHarridans

It didn't take me long to see the groupe 'dynamic' in action ...

Any small, everyday, little problem gets blown out of all proportion as it gets succesively handed around like a hot potato - mountain, meet molehill

For example : the WickedWitches of the planning have a problem that they can't resolve so they call Marge to help. Marge quickly realises that the WickedWitches have created their own problem by 'not following standard procedure'

Marge then goes to see MissusBossWoman to (helpfully) explain to her what's going on, who in turn flaps around and sticks her beak in, only making matters worse

All of which, as can be imagined, leads to shoutyness, bad temperedness and a general strain in the atmosphere

Nice !

I'm resolved to working with my door closed and the music on full blast for the forseeable future ;@)

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The current mood of damiel at

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