An englishman in Paris

lundi, mars 17, 2008

I don't believe it !!

Just when i need to be on my bestest form and fullof buzzing energy, i've come down with a dose of the flu

I'd felt grotty all week-end but i'd brushed it all off as being a bit run down from the last few weeks of intense activity

By about three o'clock on saturday, however, i thought that i'd bring down the duvet and doze off on the Titanic whilst taking in the finals of the six nations rugby tournament

Things got progressively worse ...

... to the point that i went to bed at about nine thirty last night (!!) as i knew that i had to be bright eyed and bushy tailed for a client call at Roissy airport

I struggledthrough, did the biz, got back to the office and felt (and looked) like death on legs - i stuck things out until about four thirty this afternoon and came home

The phone is now off the hook and i've guzzled so many pills and things in a Keef Richards kind of binge, that if someone tried to lift me up, i swear that i'd sound like a box of matches being shaken :'(

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