An englishman in Paris

lundi, mai 26, 2008

Part II

On the work front : MissusBossWoman's away some-where on holiday (spending her nice, fat 'n' juicy, end of year bonus, sans doute), Marge is as undiplomatic as ever, The Gorgone has gone away to hatch her DevilSpawn and BoyIdiot ....

... has been driving me quietly bonkers with his ambient noise and his general 'just being thereness' - he has to slam drawers shut instead of just gently and delicately sliding them closed. He mumbles incoherently whilst beating up hapless waste paper before crumpling it up and squishing it into a tight wad before putting it in the bin ... the most irritating thing is his taste in 'music' (popsoup i call it) which he blithely plays with the sound way up to 11 ... which is one notch higher than for us other mortals

I've had an insight though, in France we've a system of quotas where, as a means of reflecting every strata of society; companies must employ 'X' percent of a certain population.

I figure that my company (being all for equal opprtunities and all the rest of it) has decided to go for the quota of people who 'are just a few synapses short from being locked away in a nice padded cell' ... and i'm working next to him :'(

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The current mood of damiel at

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