An englishman in Paris

lundi, juin 02, 2008

Some stats from today

N° of trainees who 'forgot' to start their course (but will have to pay anyway) : 2
N° of trainees booked-in by the planners to start their course a week early : 1
N° of stoopid trainees who didn't check their scheduling and did turn up : 3
N° of trainers pulling a good old 'monday morning sickie' : 4
N° of trainers leaving / thinking of leaving : 5

'Tis the monsoon season in Paris where rain and grim greyness seems to be the norm - we're in the month of June for crying out loud !

June is usually sin-nonny-mouse with short skimpy skirts, bare midrifs, long shapely legs and general bared skinnedness ... les Champs, my Champs, are supposed to become a minefield of little sexbombs

What happened to 'Tit Monday ?
Did i miss it ? Did it sneak up undetected on a Sunday evening, between midnight and sunrise ?


*i know, i know, i'll go and flagellate myself later for blatent, unwarrented sexism*

Long faces, then, and a general air of bad tempered, tetchy poutyness to be seen everywhere as i went in to work on the steaming métro this morning - the summer hols are only eight weeks away, yet it's as if people can already sense autumn rearing it's ugly, snot riddled head over the horizon

On an entirely irrelevant note : for a long time now, i've had the gut feeling that MissusBossWoman would be leaving us for greener and better paid pastures (i'm much more intuititive than i let on)

Today she announced to us all that she'd be gone by the end of July at the latest

Her fawning lapdog, BoyIdiot, is on holiday this week ...

To end : LaGorgone has finally mis bas, spawned or hatched her sprog - at a healthy, medium-sized chicken weight of 3.5 kg and who will undoubtedly be henceforth known as Mephisto, Damien or perhaps even Lucifer ... the votes are open

Jour - 5

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