An englishman in Paris

lundi, septembre 08, 2008

Once we were five ...

At the start of my teens, i used to hang around with Ged, Charlie, Marco and Horse

Ged was the hot head, always ready for a punch up at the slightest excuse - usually over a chick that he'd been trying to squire all evening

Whilst Horse was the mediator "Hold on boys, calm down , there's no need for all that ..." , Marco was the cheerleader : "gwaaaaan Ged, do 'im .."

Charlie and i were the 'strategic reinforcements' - if it looked like hospital food was a distinct possibility for someone, we'd dive in, fists a-flailing, ready to dish out what was coming in a bar fight stylie

At school (high school, if you're from the U.S or Lycée if you're french) we'd be the bunch who'd manage to get the teachers in our pockets and slope off for extra sport lessons or hang around under the railway arches (or the toilets) for a sly smoke

We were the the unseperable crew who, at the age of fifteen/sixteen, would smuggle a bottle of hooch to liven up the end of the year party ( girls= no problemo)

The bunch of us , who at eighteen, during 'A' level study breaks, would be in the nearest bar (with the physics teacher) downing innumerable pints of guinness at the lunch break

After college, we all went our seperate ways, only to meet up sporadically at 'important' periods

Like the time when Ged, decided to pack his bags for a trip around Greece which lasted for a year or so, or the time when Charlie took the plunge and moved in with his favorite squeeze, or when Marco moved 'up north' for his job, or Horse, on a spur of the moment idea, went off to hitchhike his way around eastern europe ..

In 1998, Ged and Horse came to France for a visit. We saw the sites and did the touristic visits.

I was Ged's best man for his wedding in ireland in 2002

The years passed and we all gradually lost contact, as happens

Until last weekend

Ged phoned my ex on saturday, evidently unaware that we'd split up. She sent me an e-mail saying that i should phone him 'urgently'

I called him on sunday afternoon :

Me : " hey buddyboy ! what's up ? "
Ged : "Horse has died"


Blogger Rain said...

Oh Damiel I am so sorry for your loss. ((hugs))

6:42 PM  
Blogger Damiel said...

Thank you Rain ...

I really don't know what to say - we're all feeling pretty gutted (the guy was young) and we just don't know what happended to him

I feel very bad for his mother, his brother and especially his sister who doted on him

With parents, you kind of expect them to 'disappear' at some point ... you prepare yourself mentally for it in someways ... but children should never, ever, go before them - they're supposed to outlive their elders, that's the way that things are meant to be


I guess the only 'good' thing to come out of it (as way of putting it) is that we'll all start to put things into perspective and cherish what is real and important

Thank you very much Rain

Take care of yourself

*Hugs back at ya*

12:26 AM  

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