An englishman in Paris

jeudi, août 14, 2008

Learn ta Speak Redneck (R to Z)

Retch: To grasp for.
"The right feilder retch over into the stands and caught the ball."

Saar: The opposite of sweet.
"These pickles Sure are saar."

Shovelay: A GM car.
"Nobody could drive a Shovelay like Junior Johnson."

Sinner: Exact middle of.
"Have you been to the new shoppin' sinner."

Sugar: A kiss.
"Come here and give me some sugar."

Tarred: Fatigued.
"Ah'm too tarred to go bowlin' nonight."

Tar Arns: A tool employed in changing wheels.
"You cain't change a tar without a tar arn."

Uhmurkin: Someone who lives in the United States of Uhmurka.
"Thomas Jefferson was a great Uhmurkin."

War: Metal strands attached to posts to enclose domestic animals.
"Be careful and don't get stuck on that bob war."

Whup: To beat or to strike.
"OOOEEE!!! Yer mama's gonna whup you fer sayin' a cuss word."

Yankee shot: A Southern child's navel.
"Momma, what's this on mah belly?" "That's yo Yankee Shot."

Zat: Is that.
"Zat yo dawg?"

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