An englishman in Paris

mercredi, octobre 08, 2008

My Epiphany

Since i don't fancy dicing with death and getting cuffed 'n' stuffed by jealous husbands, brothers or other men-folk, i tend to avoid chatting up anyone with a ring on their finger

They may well have the most shapliest of legs, the pertest of bottoms, the most inviting bosoms or even the most cutest, dimpled cheeks that i've ever laid (hmm mm) eyes on

I just don't go there : it's a big no-no

All of which means that i'm only interested in the 'true' singletons

For ages now, i've been grouching that i only ever seem to be hooking up with the bonkers women of this world (i'm really serious here)

Tonight i've been giving a bit thought to this one ...

If i take as a given that opposites attract and sometimes the inverse is also true, what does it mean for me ?

(Little 'a') That i'm soooo seriously unbonkers that i'm the kind of 'ying to the yang' ?
The 'egg to the bacon' or even the 'custard to the crumble' ?!?

If so, then, well .. hell ... yeah, i can live with that (sorta)

Or, horror of horrors, (little 'b') that i'm secretly, barking mad and in need of straight jacket/padded cell combo ?

My epiphany came whilst eating a pizza : single chicks aged from their late twenties to their mid thirties are single for.a.reason

Maybe it's because they're so engrossed by their job .... dealing with their neuroses ... impossible to live with ... have unrealistic expectations ... whatever

That's just the way it is, and i have to accept it (or start batting for the other side, become a friar or take an unusual interest in goats and sheep .... or persevere .. sheeeesh)

Merci Enola :'(

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Blogger Unknown said...

Sooooo why are you too single?

6:06 AM  
Blogger Damiel said...

Hi Stljoie,

Weeeeel, it's a bit like anything

If you eat too much you become 'full'

If you listen to your I-pod with the sound notched way up to 11, instead of 10 you become too hard of hearing

If you drink too much you become (a bit drunk)

If your single for too long,
I guess you become ...

Take care ;@)

12:02 AM  

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