An englishman in Paris

vendredi, avril 10, 2009

Yooohooooo it's the weekend !!!!

I've had very long days this week so i'm absolutely knackerd

I've been traipsing around visiting various middens and hovels again and have been getting home at about nine thirty every day ... by the time i've eaten and showered i've not been hitting the sack before two most days only to be up again at at seven thirtyish :'(

I'm sorely tempted though by a place that i saw yesterday in my old stomping ground in Versailles.

As usual i'm weighing up the for and against, but the real sticking points are the size of the kitchen and the lack of a bath - it's not as though i'm bath person, but it's nice to know that if i want to, i can have a soak and a read ...

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