An englishman in Paris

mercredi, janvier 12, 2011


For years, i've managed to 'abstract' from being a year older :

"Whaddya want for your bir-th-day ?"
"Nothing ...
not today ...
it's all an untruth ..
i was born on a 29th of february"

"Mais non, mais ....."

"No, really,
.. it just didn't happen"

No-one wants to be reminded that they're a year nearer to hell
(oi baint be goin' to hebben, fer shure)

Nor to think that they've wasted another godforsaken year
doing a godforsaken job that they don't want to do,
surrounded with people that they don't want to be with

but true

Anyhow, for all these years, i've done everything to avoid thinking about the year past and all the things that i should've / could've/ shouldn't have done ...

It's not as though i wake up thinking 'whooo hooo it's my birthd .. nooo don't go there, don't do it ... where the scotch'

But it just doesn't even register anymore
I've really and truly managed to forget

until ...
last monday morning

Wherupon i arrived at work to greeted with a chorous of
"Happy birthdaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to yooooooooo"

Fluffy le perfid avait vendu la meche

"How many years old is that now ?"


"We would've bought a cake, but you know ... what with the number of candles that we'd've needed ... the fire brigade would've been working overtime"

Ha fuckin ha, bastards !!!!!!!!!!!

The secret is out,
by foul means


Libellés :

The current mood of damiel at

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