An englishman in Paris

mercredi, septembre 07, 2011

like raii-aiin on yer wedding day

I was having a bit of a (very) guarded chit-chat with Fluffy as to how i'd been in contact with an ancient client of ours, when one of our training managers popped his head around the door to say hello

As an offside, i just kind of mentioned to him that company 'X' was more than likely to be 'back on the books' as we say, and that he should be/would be/ought to be pretty much into being associated with our thang ...

'That's just soo ironic, when i first came to France they were just pulling out' came his reply

Ehh Quoi ? Kesispass ?

It transpires, that me be being willingly, concsiously unaware of what's going on, had just discovered that the guy has called it quits - he's going back home to blighty !!

WuckmeFackwards and stone the crows

We've just lost someone with a wealth of knowledge and experience

A huge blow to all of us

and Fluffy
a flying
what an absolute arsehole

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