An englishman in Paris

samedi, avril 01, 2006


Another week has flown by

... and the month has come and gone: we've seen the end of winter, spring seems to be finally installing itself at long last and summer is just around the corner.

Overall, the start to the year started out relatively shaky - with it's share of highs and lows - but has turned out to be quite productive at this point.

Knowing that this week was the end of the first trimester, i saved all my billing until yesterday and today.

When i make out invoices for clients, i also have to printout training programs, whilst although not particulalrly taxing, it is a pain as you have to be spot on or else your bill gets returned, unpaid with the remark - insuffcient details ... as an indication, for this month, i've billed about 85K euros - worth about 2500 hours of training for 80 people (that's my job, that's what i do for a living).

It's quite good given that i had a week off sick plus all the aggro with the t.v/film stuff ( i sat down and worked out that i'd lost +/- 10 days of direct productivity time and about five days feeling rough and then getting myself back together again) ... so it was a gruelling month, but it's all behind me now.

Next month should be good as a lot of my clients are starting to 'wake up', and i should have quite a few projects to set up which i'm gonna try and do simultaneously ... that way, when they're all up and running i don't have any more hard work to do for the next 10 weeks or so :-) ... these things really do take care of themselves once their underway.

However ... i have to admit that I'm feeling completly drained right now - hence the baggy eyes in my profile - so i think i'll take a week off soon .... i'll have to see what's happ'nin' on last minute-dot-com and try and get a cheap, hastle free break.

Ideally i want to go somewhere sunny, near the sea, either in france - the south, then - or somewhere else ... but whatever, i'm not too bothered as long as i can get away from every thing and have a bit of peace and above all some silence.

So that's my motivation for the next fortnight - get all this stuff done, then i can bog off and not have any worries :-D

The current mood of damiel at

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