An englishman in Paris

mardi, mars 28, 2006

Hot damn - i missed it all

France hit by mass job protests

Hundreds of thousands of people are protesting across France against the government's controversial new youth employment laws.
Fighting broke out as marchers gathered in Paris, and missiles were hurled at police as they moved into the crowds to try to remove troublemakers...

In Paris, the underground rail network and the RER suburban service have already been badly hit by the strike...

As transport workers joined the strike, the state-run SNCF rail company said only two out of three of its high-speed trains, about 40% of other long-distance trains and about half of its suburban lines were operating...

In Paris, the underground rail network and the RER suburban service have already been badly hit by the strike...

Quick, go to the beeb site for live coverage ... wooohooo

I, as well as my collegues, had no trouble what-so-ever getting in this morning, train (3 out if 4) & métro (seemed fine) ... they had barricades around the Champs Elysées ( i dunno if it was to keep "us" in or "them" out)... i went for lunch at about 1 o'clock ... snoozed at my desk till about 3.30 ... then at about 4.15 someone asked me how i was getting home, so said "geeeee y'know, i'm like, really really worried ... i'd better shoot off early just in case" ... so i left at 5 o'clock and was home at 5 to six ... what a tough old day ;-)

I think i'll have a bit of shower, then grab some food .....

Any French speakers might appreciate this one :

Le Gouvernement veut savoir lequel des trois services qu'il "finance", la DST, le GIGN ou la Police Nationale, est le plus efficace pour attraper les criminels.

On affecte donc un bois a chaque service et on lache un lapin dans chaque bois.

Charge a chaque service de retrouver le sien.

- Le GIGN encercle son bois, fait une sommation rapide, mitraille tout, met le feu au bois, saccage toute trace de vie. Très fiers et sans s'excuser (alors qu'une certaine presse prétend avoir les photos du lapin les bras en l'air) les ninjas rapportent le cadavre carbonisé du lapin et déclarent : "Mission accomplie".

- Les espions de la DST placent des micros, engagent des lapines bien roulées, soudoient des renards, truffent des carottes, font de l'intox dans les clairières, interrogent discrètement les plantes et les cailloux. Après un mois d'enquête, ils concluent : "L'affaire est close, ce lapin n'a jamais existé".

- La Police pénètre dans son bois avec le panier à salade, fait une rafle dans une clairière et revient le lendemain matin avec un sanglier bien amoché qui ne cesse de répéter : "Ok, ça va, je suis un lapin... Je suis un lapin..."

The current mood of damiel at

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