An englishman in Paris

jeudi, juin 01, 2006

The start of the weekend

Today was very intense.

May, in France, is shot through with public holidays and people go away for long weekends - especially those with enough dosh to have a nice second pad in the countryside or by the sea.

The upshot of all this is that the decideurs who are invariably rich and very well off with houses all over the place have all sort of woken up at the same time and have been phoning up all day to get things organised and all wanting to start next week.

The next ten to twenty days are going to be absolutely bonkers-looney-bin-mental.

Our trainers are going to be washed out and it's only going to be the start - traditionally the summer time is the period when people come to see us as 'their' businesses pretty much close down for the summer recess.

I'm dead on my feet, but i just can't imagine going to bed early (before midnight).

The current mood of damiel at

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