An englishman in Paris

lundi, juillet 24, 2006

I know a guy who's very cartesian.

Someone who has a huge difficulty in seeing the array of colours between the absolute black and the pure blinding whiteness of things.

He doesn't do 'nuanced'

Someone who refuses to grow up, also.

The heat must've gotten to him yesterday; when i got into work he'd stapled half the pages of my bookings agenda together.*crunch*crunch*crunch*

... in times of war the riposte should always remain proportionate to the provocation *ahem* ....

Sooo i punched full pages of, artistically interpreted, stars and fir trees, all entirely made from staples.... all overlaid and bent and skewed ... 500g of metal ..

Had to, diddn' i ? Had to, like .. couldn't leddit pass, like .. *Bob Hoskins type voice*

Incoming ...

Laughing boy theatrically dives of to the loos and minces back five minutes later with my drippingly perfumed agenda; bubbling with liquid hand soap gunk stuff.

I said to him that i bowed before his majestry in all things warroir like etc etc

Off he skippingly went to lunch; todays battle won and a good old nosh up is well in order * that's the kind of register the guy's on*

Unbeknown to all, i have a secret weapon: it doesn't stain clothes, it's vashable, it's sticky and gooey and flourescent green - back home we called it Slymuck.

His agenda looked like a toxic croque monsieur.

When he came back with his belly sated, hes eyed were blinded by the miasma of colours creeping slowly over his desk towards his belovedly, alphabetically arranged files.



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