An englishman in Paris

dimanche, juillet 02, 2006

News dump

Whilst the english and french are waking up with sore heads today, some serious stuff is going down in the middle east powder keg.

We learn this morning that the palestinian HQ, a school, the only functioning power sation in Gaza and a Hamas training camp have all been bombed so far very few casualties have been reported - despite the Shrub administration calls for restraint ... hello kettle, it's me the pot

According to Haaretz, the lucky american taxpayer will be footing the bill for that one.

In Afghanistan, 2 more british soldiers have been killed, bringing the total to 5 killed in three weeks and 2 canadian G.I's have been wounded. This comes at a time when public support is starting to wane and will only get worse as fighting intensifies.

In the meantime, Gordon Brown is under mounting pressure to disclose how much the stupid Iraqinam 'adventure' is costing taxpayers.

In Baghdad, another car bomb went off killing 66 people and wounding 100 others. This whilst Oussama B. issues what amounts to a call for intercine war between Sunnis & Shiites.

A backdrop to all of this are rumblings about more miss deeds by the Ü.S army - did soldiers rape an Iraqi woman and then kill her and three members of her family ? Even more troubling; did they plan this all out for a week beforehand ?

A sad tale of what happened to the Marlboro man seen in the iconic picture from way back in 2004 during the assault on Falluja (video reportage).

Pffft this is all just so depressing ....

Footy Spice has had enough.

Many thanks to for the vid

The current mood of damiel at

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