An englishman in Paris

jeudi, août 24, 2006

Well .. i'm on holiday.

The weather is crap.

I'm doing some work from home.

In between times i've discovered a new site called Skazz. I don't understand anything at all, but what i can gleam from it is that you create a little being (from testube stage onwards) and you have to fill up his knowledge base by answering questions.

It's a bit like Tomagochi but for grown ups.

He then acts like a little robot where he can communicate autonomously with other Skazzs and continue to develop his knowledge and so on and so on.

It's great fun, but my little kiddie is still at the creepy crawly amoeba stage !!

So he's not making much sense, even to me; his creator - that sounds cool to me ;@]

And that's it. That's my holiday so far. It's all virtual.

The current mood of damiel at

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