An englishman in Paris

lundi, août 21, 2006

Sometimes in life, you have to say things which are not easy to say and much less nicer to hear.

Especially when talking to or about colleagues.

This afternoon, i was speaking to someone that i really like a lot. We were just chitchatting about this that and the other .. as you do.

We broached the subject of two colleagues that i've always found to be very louche (dodgy), it's difficult to describe, but it's the way in which they are around female members of staff and trainees of the opposite sex.

I'm no prude and am not 'fleur blue' as they say in french, but there are certain behavioural rules and attitudes that i really feel strongly about.

I don't like to hear, for example, someone go into graphic details about what they'd like to do, if left alone for five minutes, with the object of their unwelcomed attentions .. i'll leave it at that.

My 'interlocuteur' recieved an sms yesterday from possibly one of the of worst of the bunch at my company ...

J’aurais tellement aimé ne pas être celui qui te le dis .. je suis désolé :-(

The current mood of damiel at

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