An englishman in Paris

lundi, septembre 11, 2006

My first day back at work was predictibly ... stressfull.

I'm very lucky to be part of a group where we all look out for each other when one of us is away.. it's all very give and take.

I've spent all day in my office going over my files and trying to get through a swathe of demands.

Apparently August was very hectic and had been the best summer period for about six years.

There were two or three people who only wanted to deal with me ... my biggie contract has been bubbling along nicely - today i saw three people (out of the thirty or so) and will be seeing more over the coming days; i should be about two thirds and a bit of the way through by the end of the week.

I was especially glad to see one of our trainers who'd been in Turkey during the bomb attacks, and whilst she and her husband had been in the vicinity (the hotel shaked and the police had cordonned off the sector) they had a great time.

Another one of our trainers had had to go home stateside to see her father who was desperately ill.

My boss is going away on friday for a long weekend and idiotboy is off from next week.

I have to work on saturday :@(


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