An englishman in Paris

samedi, mars 10, 2007

Stop the week

Another tiring week with a lot of time beeing spent out visiting my favorite and least favorite clients ... i must have spent just two full days in the office.

I've not had a printer for the last three weeks which might sound funny, but the guy at Ivory Towers / head office who 'deals' with computer related stuff just didin't want to put pen to paper to fill out a requisition form.

In a fluster of had-enoughedness, i sent a mail to Missus Bosswoman saying that i was going to pay for a new one and could she unlock funds to pay me back - she forwarded the mail on to all and sundry and the reply was 'We'll send a new one before the end of February' (it arrived yesterday).

A part from that stuff , Boy Idiot is still a bit strange - i've discovered another one of his little rituals (héhéhé) ... i'm still the point man for deranged and neurotic people.

Apparently, without knowing it, i've put together a course for one of the ten most powerfull people in France - i didn't know who it was until a trainer (one of the dodgy ones) told me.

In about ten minutes time, i'm to see a bit of the country to chill out - with a bit of luck it'll be nice and sunny today.

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