An englishman in Paris

vendredi, mai 04, 2007

After yesterdays no-money-in-the-bank-thing and a sleeples night, i got straight through to the bank this morning and was told that i must have been abroad and spent money over there - a bit difficult that one, as my passport was being renewed at the time.

They faxed me over a bank statement and, low and behold, a series of payments have been made to a thing called "PStars".

Someone had managed to get my card details and was making hay.


I made a statement to the police, faxed it over to the bank who said it could two to three months to get the dosh back.


Not only that, but the bank is going to make money out of it by providing me with an overdraft.


So the choice is : do i use the overdraft and pay Shylock interest or do i plunder my savings ?

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Blogger Rain said...

You have to wait for two to three months for your money? And they are going to make you pay interest? That is absurd!

I hate a thief and I am sorry you are having to deal with all of this.

6:38 AM  

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