An englishman in Paris

mercredi, juin 06, 2007

Mid week

MissusBossWoman has gone away for another one of her long weekends - Boyidiot, then, is 'holding' the fort...

The one and only BoyIdiot who's pens are all neatly arranged, 'just so' (one of each colour, black, then blue, then red - exactly in that order) in his pen holder.

The same BoyIdiot who buys a sandwich for lunch then re-arranges the contents to his own liking.

He's a bit strange.

The thing that really gets my goat with BI though, is the way he comes up to you, gives his throat clearing 'heumm heuum' and leads into every thing by saying "let me explain ..."

After which, he goes into the most longest windedest, infuriatinglyest, description of the whys and wherefores of carrying out the most banalest of tasks ... from A to Z, inside out and back to front.

You (I) find myself looking at him saying " ... is this the abridged version or are you saving the best till last ... ?

It's just all so tediously irritating.

You can't actually say anything to the guy because he takes remarks about his longwindedness very much to heart.

"I'm just making sure that you've fully understood how this works", he'll say in a high pitched whiney voice.


To escape all of this i spend time out visiting my clients. Which although is great fun, leaves me with what at times seems to be an unsurmountable pile of paper work to catch up on.

For all that, i still managed to get away on time after treating the urgentish stuff, tomorrow it'll be more of the same.

As for friday - it's the start of the weekend, innit ;@)

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