An englishman in Paris

lundi, juillet 30, 2007


The countdown has been launched and i've already started going through my files and things in preparation for my absence during my summer hols.

My bank finally got around to paying back to me the money that had been lost way back in May - i noticed last week that either i'd been paid very little or that some one had very graciously made a donation to the "Let's send Damiel on a nice holiday" charity.

It turns out that not only had the bank come good, but also the backhander i'd been paid for my little bit of moonlighting (as a translator to my new found music producer buddy) has also finally gone through *yessssssss*

All in all, i can pretty much go where i fancy going with out too much hastle.

Ain't life sweet :@)

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The current mood of damiel at

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