An englishman in Paris

lundi, août 06, 2007

For D

Even if i've had good weekend overall, i couldn't help but thinking about my mother.

She died twenty seven years ago on saturday.

I kind of wonder, sometimes, about what she'd make of her oldest daughter working with the criminally insane in a high security hospital and the other one (me) dicking around in Paris.

what happened is this : She went to bury her father (my grandfather) who'd dodged bullets in two world wars only to beak his hip in a fall at home ... apparently it's quite common for people of a certain age who have an accident to pass away some time later through shock.

Anyway, for whatever reason, my ma went back to the old country to see off her father.

She had a heart atack.

She died right there, on the spot, two days after her arrival in Ireland.

At that point, it was the summer break for us kids and my dad (the first day) said : "yer ma is .. heuu .. ill ... she might be away for some time"

By the saturday morning it'd become "yer ma's not coming home .... son ... it's you and me against the world"

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