An englishman in Paris

mercredi, septembre 26, 2007

I'm completely dead on my feet - no real news there then - and type these few miserable lines in my usual 'hunt and peck' stylie, i'm waiting for the pizza guy to arrive so that i can settle down with a few beers and watch the footy.

I've finally finished interviewing my forty trainees and everything is set up for starting next week ... i'm just waiting for the spondoolitz to start rolling in :@)

Right now the weather here is just starting to turn, you can feel a distinct nip in the air in the mornings, the leaves are starting to turn and i've noticed, for these past few days that people have already started putting on their overcoats.

The métro has resumed its winter 'when we feel like running' schedule and there sem to be quite a few sniffles, runny noses and dog like cur-chews going on ...

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The current mood of damiel at

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