An englishman in Paris

mercredi, février 20, 2008

BoyIdiot and MissusBossWoman were both out of the office today, something which would usually fill me with uncharacteristic joy and bonheur ... what with not hearing the clippity-clop of cloven hooves and not dealing with the fall-out from hissy fits

Most people would make the most of it and have a day long tea-break with intermittant periods of work now and again ...or slouch off for a three hour lunch break ... or saints preserve us go h.o.m.e early

Alas, none of these apply to me for i'm a mug model worker bee, me. Yes indeedy.

Well, o.k, the truth is that i've been working on a project to hand in to a client at the end of next week and the lack of interruptions has allowed me to be much more advanced than i would normally be

Like pulling teeth, opening my wallet or being genuinely nice, it pains me to say that the FabulousTwo have given me a breather when i really need it most : thank you guys

Boy, did that hurt ;@)

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