An englishman in Paris

mercredi, septembre 10, 2008

Back to the grind then ...

The Guv'nor has settled in over the summer period and has come up with a few, extra, time consuming things to do

MissusBossWoman has sent a few e-mails to let me know that she's settled in nicely in her new job in Moscow, but, oooh my goodness, how frighteningly expensive it is to live there (i admit that i do miss her)

Marge, the wicked accounts woman from the east, in a pique of efficiency, has printed out a list of my unpaid bills (the list of shame, as i call it)

On friday morning there'll be a meeting with the Guv'nor, his boss (Jacquouille), BoyIdiot and .. euhhh .. me and my list

I'm going to have some 'splainin' to do on that one :-/

And ...

Enola is coming back ;@)

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