An englishman in Paris

vendredi, octobre 10, 2008

Monday's WaterofMassDisruption incident was finally resolved on Wednesday when a guy came to put a ferret down the kitchen plug-hole ...

The silver lining to this particularly filthy cloud, is that i've been able to make a capital discovery
A discovery made from simple empiric observation
A discovery which one day, who knows, could lead to me winning an Ig-nobel prize for services to humanity
(if we all live that long)

Hold on to your hat, ôôô faithful reader of one - this is a biggie !

The maths :
There are six appartments on my side of the building
2 singletons
3 couples (1 with 2 kids)
+ moi
11 people in all

The conundrum :
For three mornings this week i've had to mop up two mini-floods
The first at 7.45, the second at 8.20
No water traces were visible on the floor when i arrived home at night
No mopping-up was necessary in the evenings

The empiric observation
Given the timing of the deluges, one (i) must be able to assume that this is the time when people are getting ready to go to work and are taking their showers

The logical Conclusion
Only 2 out of 11 people have a daily shower and they take it just before going to work.
I don't count, 'cos i'm the observer ;@)
Therefore, this demonstrates why the armpits of the guy sitting next to you on the subway smell so goddam bad

Ta daaaaa !!!!

*No real ferrets were in any way, whatsoever, harmed or harshly spoken to over the course of the experiment

Libellés :

The current mood of damiel at

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