An englishman in Paris

mercredi, janvier 26, 2011

Il est 5 heures ...

So, then, D-day minus one

The gossip machine in WorldCorp has gone into overdrive

Everyone and his dog wants to know :
Where is Fuffy?
How is it that Fuff isn't going to to the AGM ?
What's the Fuffster up to !?!

I've been fielding calls all day

Even our head trainers have been grumbling into their gruel :
Fluffalini could've shortened his week off and turned up unexpected
(me: yeah, right ... do you get to see many flying pigs in your part of the world ??)

I can't say that i'm 'dreading' two days of being in the stocks, because it's not as though i have anything to answer for

What does bug me though, is that as the 'senior representative' (pouahahhahah) of the microcosme of my bit of WC, i'm at risk of taking a bit of flak ...

If i don't want to go down with the Titanic, i'm going to have to talk to G.O.D about moving on...

Ca craint


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