An englishman in Paris

mercredi, mars 15, 2006

Et c'est reparti pour un tour ...

I've just got home .. what a day.

My day started in exactly the same way as yesterday ended; phone calls and e-mails to motivate/persuade - or however you want to describe it - people for tomorrow's interview with Mr t.v man ... so far so good.

The afternoon took another route; i had to go to see a client with whom we've done a bit of business in the past.

This time, their boss wants to organize something very specific.

All i can say is .. that ... it's a cabaret club, of worldwide recognition, and when we think of Pareee and cabarets we kinda think of .. . well showgirls... showgirls, who risk catching their death of a cold because they don't, euhhm, kinda, have, many clothes on .. scantily clad ... kinda thing ... :-ô

My dream of being Hugh Hefner for a day has finally been full-filled !!

I spent the afternoon surrounded by young girlies of all shapes and sizes, all colours and nationalities - red ones, blues ones, pink ones - any colour you likeuuuh .. and the refrain was always the same "but you speak english, i luuuuurve to speak english" .. mon dieu, mon dieu, mon dieu .

How can any normal bloke work in conditions like this ? I just don't get it.

And i don't remember much else, really.

That was it.

That was my day.

Nothing will top that, i don't think .. i just can't imagine anything better (s'not true i can think of two or three things).

I'm in a state of shock !!!

La delire.

I've gotta go and re-see my medecin for pills to calm me down, bromide, maybe !!!

Thank goodness i saw a mate for a few beers afterwards ... back to reality and all that .. we had a nice evening just chatting and a quick bite to eat - très sympa.

I'm done in, i've gotta go and crash and burn.

The current mood of damiel at

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