An englishman in Paris

mercredi, juin 21, 2006

Fête de la 'zique

Every year at the summer solstice, in France we have an event called 'La fête de la muzique' - a generalized 24H music festival with concerts and gigs in towns up and down the country.

There's a concert on now as i write under the grand arch at La Défense.

Mostly it's groups of kiddies playing rock and a few crusties with mega sound systems booming out rave and transe stuff ... so it's all very eclectic.

This year i couldn't be arsed to go, quite frankly, as i still have a dose of the terminal sniffles and Argentina V Holland was on t.v.

More than that, i've been out on a visit to the Madeleine quartier this afternoon where i spent a good hour and a half going over the fine points of setting up a project for the summer.... and right now i'm pretty much done in ... talk leads to fatigue, or so i remember reading somewhere.

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