An englishman in Paris

samedi, juin 17, 2006

Voix Off

Part III

We ... Mrs ex-Bosswoman & her bloke and moi ... started at about 6pm and in total there were about 12 extracts to do.

Even if i did manage to be really spot on first time for maybe one or two extracts, i generally needed three or four attempts for each one.

There was no time limit and no real pressure to finish at a certain time - although none of us wanted to hang around for hours on end.

By about 9pm, i guess, we had finally finished.

It sounds like a long time, but if you're checking the dialogue first, listening and comparing then having a first try, a re-try, a re-do and then listening to the one that sounds best ... i mean .... phwouarrr

You spend more time thinking about how to really summarize what the guy's saying, using more or less the same words.

Interestingly enough ... or not ...there are words in french and english which have very similar endings; competetive, motivation, innovation .. so ya see it's all the same in any language ;^* ... so often you'd get this effect where you have english words (which finish realatively abrubptly) being slightly overrun in the background by the french version (the way that french words tend to 'roll 'easier onto the next one).

At the end, blokey did what i can only describe as cutting and pasting from the sound we'd made, onto the video. We then had a quick look whilst his missus made some little nibbles to eat and broke out the rosé.

Amazingly enough the result was quite good; my timing was good, i'd kept a steady rythme and tone. As a criticism, i would say that it all sounds too 'black and white and grey and squares' if you see what i mean, i think you need to really more of a character actor do be good at stuff like that.

It was ok.

I would happily do it again, it's good fun.

I'd never done this kind of thing before, but i find things like this similar to gaming or any kind of sport in a sense ... 'sounds a bit strange, but it's about timing and pacing yourself and all that jazz.

The current mood of damiel at

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