An englishman in Paris

lundi, juin 12, 2006


I'm sooo tired out

I've just finished my little presentation for tomorrow.

The idea is that i give a presentation about whatever i want to, keeping to the rules of good presentation giving : an overview, a start, a middle, an end plus a recapitulative as we go along .....

I really toyed with sticking to a business type thing - The 7 S's of management that's just sooo passé, are you a great motivator ? lol, Getting the best from people how to rip your staff off in ten easy steps , Some Girl thought it would be a winner, but that would've meant colluding with 'them' ....

Sooo, i thought, kfuc it, i'm going to write about blogging .. not about myyyyy little effort, no way josé; more of a history of blogging (thanks to info gleamed from the Pew institute and Wiki).

I've taken screen shots of sites i visit - you know who you are at the back there, stop smirking ;o) - and given a commentary as to the different types of blog that we come across ( i don't make any judgements) .. i've included a few gruesome photos from Iraqinam, Madrid and London to emphasise that the stuff we see on blogs is more true to life than than the watered down piffle that passes for news.

I've also included a few snippets from music vids - ahem- and some very moving things that i've read recently ....

So we'll see what happens tomorrow...

The current mood of damiel at

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