An englishman in Paris

dimanche, juin 11, 2006

Crosby stills nash & Young -Hopelessly hoping

*Updated 20/02/08 For people who've arrived here by doing a google search for the lyrics : i've just added the video - please enjoy the two minutes of 'pure et dur bonheur' for as long as the heart pleases ;@)
The lyrics to one of my allllll time favorite records - when i can find a version to link to i will do so .... thanks to this
lady for the idea

Hopelessly hoping

Helplessly hoping,
her harlequin hovers nearby,
awaiting a word.

Gasping at glimpses of gentle true spirit,
he runs, wishing he could fly.

Only to trip at the sound of goodbye.

Wordlessly watching he waits, by the window and wonders at the empty place inside.

Heartlessly helping himself to her bad dreams,
he worries; did he hear a goodbye ?

Or even hello ?

They are one person
They are two alone
They are three together
They are for each other.

Stand by the stairway you'll see something certain to tell you confusion has it's cost.

Love isn't isn't lying,
it's loose in a lady who lingers,
saying she is lost

And choking on hello.

They are one person
They are two alone
They are three together
They are for each other.

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