An englishman in Paris

vendredi, juin 09, 2006

Yaaaasssss it's the weekend

A difficult week is over.

Apart from the server at work going kaput for the most part of the time, i've had an o.k sorta week - i've been out on a few visits, seen no (count 'em : z.e.r.o) nutcases and had no specific grief ...

... except that i've been 'volonteered' to co-host a public speaking workshop on monday and tuesday where i'm going to have to give a 10 minute presentation on ..... whatever i like :-/

The boss phoned today and said - you're good at stuff like that (that's news to me, boyo, how would you know ? Who's been blabbing - i'll do 'im?) .. make a few slides (You. are. taking. the. piss ) and just give a structured talk to show how it should be done (my ass - i'm gonna do it all back to front, arse about face and upside down; that way you'll never, ever ask me again) .........

Euhhhhmmm ... i'm going away as from tomorow morning soooooo i have like, y'know, from when i get back until i go to bed on sunday night to do some preparation.

I'm right now toying with the idea of 'French bosses are all assholes" (a bit toooo contentious) ... "10 easy ways to to do nothing at work and get away with it" (i'm tempted !) ... and finally "Modern day slavery - is your company royally ripping you off" (hmmm, that could be the ticket).

The current mood of damiel at

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