An englishman in Paris

samedi, juin 17, 2006

Voix off

The photos trace my movements over a 20 minute period

By the time we'd packed up it was about 10pm i guess - no football for me last night :-(

.... and that was about it, we all went our seperate ways ... except that i got a bit lost !!!

Lost, in a resigned "pffffft .... i'll just keep going to the nearest metro" sorta way.

I kinda like .... took ... like a wrong turning ... and ended up walking towards rue Rivoli !!

Dumb*ss a**hole i was thinking.

After my inital fit of feeling foolishness i just thought, what the hell; it's a
beautiful evening and it a walk might be nice - even though it meant getting home at about midnight.

The current mood of damiel at

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