An englishman in Paris

vendredi, juillet 07, 2006

Employee report

Bob Smith, my assistant programmer, can always be
seen hard at work at his desk. He works independently, without
found wasting company time talking to colleagues. Bob never
thinking twice about assisting his co-workers, and always
finishes given assignments on time. Often he takes extended
manages to complete his work, sometimes skipping coffee breaks
breaks. Bob is a dedicated individual who has absolutely no
and shows no vanity in spite of his high accomplishments and recognised
knowledge in his field. I firmly believe that Bob can be
value as a team player, the type of which cannot be
dispensed with. Consequently, I duly recommend that Bob be
promoted to executive management but a new proposal will be made shortly
executed as soon as possible.


That idiot was standing over my shoulder while I wrote the report sent to you earlier today. Kindly proceed as if you were going to do cut and paste, then read between the lines.

The current mood of damiel at

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